The Art of Hosting and Harvesting conversations that matter for Denmark & beyond - 3 - 5 April 2025
to Apr 5

The Art of Hosting and Harvesting conversations that matter for Denmark & beyond - 3 - 5 April 2025

How may we strengthen our personal leadership and ability to work

in peaceful and co- creative ways, to build thriving futures for All?

We - Maja Rottbøll, Rowan Simonsen, Mary Alice Arthur, Anne Madsen, James Ede and Toke Møller - are calling, organizing and offering to co host the next Art of Hosting and Harvesting training in and for Denmark - the last one was 7 years ago.

It will take place 3 - 5 April 2025 at Himmelbjerggaarden - close to Silkeborg & Ry in Denmark.

See the invitation website here.

Register here.


Maja, Mary Alice, Rowan, Anne, James and Toke

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Onsite Flow Game host training in and for Berlin - and beyond.
to Apr 13

Onsite Flow Game host training in and for Berlin - and beyond.

Mary Alice Arthur and Toke Moeller - in collaboration with Jutta Weimar - are organising and cohosting an onsite Flow Game training in response to many people request to be trained and get a good start in the Art and practise of organizing and hosting the Flow Game.

It will take place from Friday 11 April 2025 from 9.30 to Sunday 13 April at 15.00.

The training will be in English at Beach Mitte, Caroline-Michaelis-Str. 8, 10115 Berlin, Germany.

If you are sincerely interested - or know someone that is - to step into this practise - please express your interest to us by email: - - and we will share more information and invite you to the information / preparation calls.

We will have some information and preparation calls and preparation online games - all on Toke’s zoom:

The next info call is on Wednesday 12 February 2025 for those sincerely interested in joining the training - 16 - 17.15 CET 

We will offer one or two preparation Flow Games for those sincerely interested in joining the trainings - on Sunday March 2. 2025 from 15- 17.30 CET - hosted by Mary Alice Arthur & Toke Moeller

We recommend you to attend at least one of these calls & preparation games as it is the beginning of ther training, where we will help clarify any question you may have in order for you to choose if this is a practise for you.

Kindly Jutta, Mary Alice & Toke

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Practising for Peace - spring dojo  on Dojo Island
9:00 AM09:00

Practising for Peace - spring dojo on Dojo Island

What we practise we will become

Maja Rottbøll and Toke Moeller invite you to practise peace together with us.

There is a dojo - where we can practise peace within - alone & together - to reclaim our inner strength and courage - regardless of what happens in the world.

Hvad nu hvis det ikke kun drejer sig om at løse problemer, men at det også er vigtigt at praktisere og opleve fred med sig selv og to meter omkring sig?

What if it is not so much about solving problems, but that it is also important to practice peace and experience peace within yourself and 2 meters around you?

We will practise peace by Circle, Aikido, bow & arrow and play The Flow Game - a way of finding clarity and inner center regardless of the circumstance - individually and together - guided by Toke and Maja.

We meet on Toke’s bridge Stengårdsvej 5a - 8600 Sejs - Silkeborg at 9.00 - sail by motorboat to Dojo Island in Borre Lake - and return there at 16.00.

Join Facebook group Practicing Peace Dojo for Danmark here.

See more about The Practising for Peace dojo here.

If you want to participate - please email Maja - and we will send you more detailed information.

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Listening for The Magic in the Middle
6:00 PM18:00

Listening for The Magic in the Middle

How may we practice hosting for the unfolding of Life – in and between – us?

A listening exploration with Toke Moeller, The Art of Hosting and Harvesting, The Flow Game, The Practicing for Peace dojo - and Dr. Elizabeth Debold, Developmental Psychologist, Editor of evolve.

You are invited to join Toke Moeller and Elizabeth Debold in an inquiry into the Magic in the Middle and the importance of hosting the conditions to create the future.

Together, we will explore questions like these.

How does hosting create a space for Life to unfold?

What can we learn from the space between us about the future that wants to emerge?

evolve Live events are a co-creation - you are part of the process through your listening, responses and questions.

You are invited into meaningful listening and dialogue both with Vanessa Andreotti and with each other in small groups.

See more information here.

If you want to listen and take part - you can register here.

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Practising for Peace dojo - Spring on Dojo Island
9:00 AM09:00

Practising for Peace dojo - Spring on Dojo Island

What we practise we will become

Maja Rottbøll and Toke Moeller invite you to practise peace together with us.

There is a dojo - where we can practise peace within - alone & together - to reclaim our inner strength and courage - regardless of what happens in the world.

Hvad nu hvis det ikke kun drejer sig om at løse problemer, men at det også er vigtigt at praktisere og opleve fred med sig selv og to meter omkring sig?

What if it is not so much about solving problems, but that it is also important to practice peace and experience peace within yourself and 2 meters around you?

We will practise peace by Circle, Aikido, bow & arrow and play The Flow Game - a way of finding clarity and inner center regardless of the circumstance - individually and together - guided by Toke and Maja.

We meet on Toke’s bridge Stengårdsvej 5a - 8600 Sejs - Silkeborg at 9.00 - sail by motorboat to Dojo Island in Borre Lake - and return there at 16.00.

Join Facebook group Practicing Peace Dojo for Danmark here.

See more about The Practising for Peace dojo here.

If you want to participate - please email Maja - and we will send you more detailed information.

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2 1/2 Day Practising for Peace  summer dojo on Dojo Island
to Jun 29

2 1/2 Day Practising for Peace summer dojo on Dojo Island

What we practise we will become

We invite you to come together, show up in the dojo and practice together.

Over the 3 year we have met almost monthly for a day to practice peace in our selves and two meters around. in June we want to spend a little more time and immerse ourselves more in nature and the experience of peace - exploring: 

How do I practising peace within and 2 meters around me,

in the midst of the turbulence of the world?

It is an invitation to come together for a two day practice space for practitioners and warriors and midwifes of the heart interested in stepping deeper into the practice of peace.

It is a self organized space -  We will rent canoes and meet at Små fisk in Sejs, close to Silkeborg. We will camp Friday and Saturday in nature and pot luck our food.

It will be possible to practice with bokkens, archery, outdoor cooking, fire making and playing Flow Game.

Simplicity, depth and trust in our ability to self organise will guide our space.

We will each bring something to share for eating, our practices and stories and make this a magical time.

Please let us know if you are intererest Maja Rottbøll and Toke Moeller

  • Dates: We meet Friday 27th June15.00 at Små Fisk and aim to be back around 16.00 on Sunday 29th June

  • Logistics: The plan is to rent canoes and make our way to dojo island. I will coordinate the canoe rental. Other than that, bring what you need for our time in nature.

Looking forward to practice together!


Toke and Maja

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Onsite Flow Game host training in Sejs, by Silkeborg, Jutland Denmark
to Sep 28

Onsite Flow Game host training in Sejs, by Silkeborg, Jutland Denmark

Mary Alice Arthur and Toke Moeller - are organising and cohosting an onsite Flow Game training in response to several peoples requests to be trained onsite - and to get a good start in this practise.

It will take place from Friday 26 September 2025 from 9.00 to Sunday 28 September at 15.30.

It wil be a local scout hut - The Sindstou hytten - in the village Sejs, - 1 km from where Toke and Monica live and much of the Flow Game was co created here - close to Silkeborg in Jutland, Denmark. The closest international airport is Billund - 1 hour by car - and 1 1/2 by bus - from Sejs.

If you are sincerely interested to step into this art and practise of organising and hosting Flow Games - please express your interest to us by email: - - and we will share more information and invite you to the information / preparation calls.

We will have some information and preparation calls and preparation online games all on Toke’s zoom:

The next info calls in on Tuesday 26 November - Thursday 5 December and Sunday 12 January 2025 for those sincerely interested in joining the training - 16 - 17.15 CET 

We will offer one or two online preparation Flow Games for those sincerely interested in joining the trainings - date and time to be decide - hosted by Mary Alice Arthur & Toke Moeller

We recommend you to attend at least one of preparation calls & preparation games where we will help clarify any question you may have in order for you to choose if this is a practise for you.

Basic accomodations the training in the scouts cottage are available for some of the trainees. - for more comfortable accomodation please see more information here.

Kindly Mary Alice & Toke

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CANCELLED - Practising for Peace - early spring dojo
9:00 AM09:00

CANCELLED - Practising for Peace - early spring dojo

What we practise we will become

Maja Rottbøll and Toke Moeller invite you to practise peace together with us.

There is a dojo - where we can practise peace within - alone & together - to reclaim our inner strength and courage - regardless of what happens in the world.

Hvad nu hvis det ikke kun drejer sig om at løse problemer, men at det også er vigtigt at praktisere og opleve fred med sig selv og to meter omkring sig?

What if it is not so much about solving problems, but that it is also important to practice peace and experience peace within yourself and 2 meters around you?

We will practise peace by Circle, Aikido, bow & arrow and play The Flow Game - a way of finding clarity and inner center regardless of the circumstance - individually and together - guided by Toke and Maja.

The dojo will from - November to March - take place at Himmelbjerggaarden, Himmelbjergvej 11, 8680 Ry - from 9.00 to 16.00.

Join Facebook group Practicing Peace Dojo for Danmark here.

See more about The Practising for Peace dojo here.

If you want to participate - please email Maja - and we will send you more detailed information.

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How may my personal practices enhance my leadership  for a more peaceful and sustainable world?
9:00 AM09:00

How may my personal practices enhance my leadership for a more peaceful and sustainable world?

What we practise we will become.

Learning by practice and experience in the way of the “dojo” - meaning a place where we practise our life practices.

The purpose is to learn through practicing - beginning to practice to host ourselves to host others.

We will explore how our personal practice may support us in enhancing our leadership capacity and our capacity to collaborate with others. In other words, how do we host ourself in order to become better hosts for others?

To explore this topic, we have invited Toke Moeller to the Learning Lab. Toke is the co-founder of the Art of Hosting, The Flow Game, Practising for peace dojo - and has been pioneering in the fields of sustainable entrepreneurship, participatory leadership, educational renewal, and social responsibility since the early 1970s. He is also co-founder and CEO of InterChange, a for more than profit training and process consulting company based in Denmark. He is working across the world in all kinds of contexts where ever leaders are sincerely calling for help with their transformations.

The session with Toke will include some movement so please make sure to wear comfortable clothes. And please read the instructions for the deliverable for this week closely since it is slightly different than what you're used to. 


At the end of this module, we hope you have achieved the following:

·  Gained new insights on your own personal practices.

·  Explored how bodily movements can help you focus and see new perspectives. 

·  Deepened your understanding of how a personal practice can support you in your leadership journey by interviewing someone you admire.

· Explored additional Practices, theories and concepts related to participatory leadership.

The quality of an intervention depends on the interior condition of the intervener.

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Practising for Peace - winter dojo
9:00 AM09:00

Practising for Peace - winter dojo

What we practise we will become

Maja Rottbøll and Toke Moeller invite you to practise peace together with us.

There is a dojo - where we can practise peace within - alone & together - to reclaim our inner strength and courage - regardless of what happens in the world.

Hvad nu hvis det ikke kun drejer sig om at løse problemer, men at det også er vigtigt at praktisere og opleve fred med sig selv og to meter omkring sig?

What if it is not so much about solving problems, but that it is also important to practice peace and experience peace within yourself and 2 meters around you?

We will practise peace by Circle, Aikido, bow & arrow and play The Flow Game - a way of finding clarity and inner center regardless of the circumstance - individually and together - guided by Toke and Maja.

The dojo will from - November to March - take place at Himmelbjerggaarden, Himmelbjergvej 11, 8680 Ry - from 9.00 to 16.00.

Join Facebook group Practicing Peace Dojo for Danmark here.

See more about The Practising for Peace dojo here.

If you want to participate - please email Maja - and we will send you more detailed information.

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Onsite Flow Game host training in and for Japan - and beyond.
to Jan 26

Onsite Flow Game host training in and for Japan - and beyond.

See in Japanese below.

Mary Alice Arthur and Toke Moeller - by invitation and in collaboration with Yurie Makahari, Chie Aikawa and Shinji Kotani - are organising and cohosting an onsite Flow Game training in response to several peoples requests to be trained and get a good start in the Art and practise of organizing and hosting the Flow Game.

It will take place from a Friday 24 January 2025 to a Sunday 26 January from 9.30 to Sunday January 2025 at 15.00 - please write to Mary Alice Arthur or Toke Moeller if you want to know more and we will send you more information.

The training will happen at The National Institute of informatics in Karuizawa - about 2 hours by train from Tokyo.

If you are sincerely interested to step into this practise - or know someone that is - please express your interest to us by email: - - and we will share more information and invite you to the information / preparation calls.

We will have some information and preparation calls and preparation online games - all on Toke’s zoom:

The next info call To be decided for those sincerely interested in joining the training.

We offer 2 Preparation Flow Games for those sincerely interested in joining the training f- on Saturday 2 & 23 November and Sunday 1 December from 11- 13.30 CET European time - 19 - 21.30 Japan time - co hosted by Mary Alice Arthur & Toke Moeller

We recommend you to attend one or two of these calls & preparation games as that will help clarify any questions you may have in order for you to choose if this is a practise for you.

Kindly Mary Alice & Toke


軽井沢 2025年1月24日(金)9:30-26日(日) 15:00

日本でフローゲームをトレーニングを受けたいとのご要望に応え、Mary Alice Arthur と Toke Moeller が主催するフローゲームのオンサイト・トレーニングを開催することになりました。現在、牧原ゆりえさん、相川千絵さんと小谷真司さんと共に準備を進めています。

トレーニングは合宿形式で、2025年1月24日(金)9:30から1月26日(日) 15:00まで行います。参加にご興味のある方、詳細を知りたい方はMary AliceかTokeまで直接ご連絡ください。

開催場所は、都内からも電車で2時間以内の軽井沢にある、国立情報学研修所 国際高等セミナーハウスです。参加をお考えの方は、ぜひ もしくは までメールをお願いします。



次回オンラインゲームは、Mary AliceとTokeのコーホストで 11月23日(土)日本時間19.00-21:30に開催します。


Mary Alice & Toke

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The Art & Practise of powerful questions - workshop in Tokyo
10:30 AM10:30

The Art & Practise of powerful questions - workshop in Tokyo

How may I grow my practice in the art of crafting, sharpening and offering questions to serve the people, organizations and communities I care about?

  • entering the Art & Practice of crafting & offering powerful questions - including playing The Flow Game

The Art of Powerful Questions comes to Japan!

You can register here with The Danish Chamber of Commerse. - See Japanese translation below

Everyone who is interested in the leadership skill of craftinmg and asking powerful questions or supporting groups, teams and organisations to be more focused and intentional is welcome to join us.

The art of powerful questions is a foundational skill for working in a more participatory way and supporting groups with a wide variety of experience, interests and mindsets to find common ground together.

Join The Art of Powerful Questions workshop in Tokyo - Tuesday on January 21, 2025
10:30 AM 5:30 PM at Sony City Osaki, Bridge Terminal 24F, NBF Osaki Building, 2-10-1 Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo - *5-minute walk from Osaki Station 

Co-hosted by Mary Alice Arthur, SOAR & Toke Paludan Moeller, Ceo of Interchange & co-founder of Art of Hosting and in partnership with Tove Kinooka, Global Perspectives & Maiko Iseda, The Art of Hosting in Japan.

Preceded by an Art of Hosting Practice Gathering on January 20th. - followed by a Flow Game Host training 24 - 26 January.

More information and registration link available soon - until then please contact Tove Kinooka and Mary Alice Arthur.

Welcome Mary Alice, Tove, Maiko & Toke


とその実践 東京ワークショップ

2025121日(火) 10:30-17:30


「力強い問い」を立て、投げかける実践へのお誘い(The Flow Gameのプレー付き)




アート・オブ・パワフルクエスチョンズ 東京ワークショップ

日時: 2025年1月21日(火) 10:30-17:30

場所: 東京都品川区大崎2-10-1

NBF大崎ビル(旧ソニーシティ大崎)24F ブリッジターミナル


ホスト: Mary Alice Arthur (SOAR)、Toke Paludan Moeller (Interchange CEO, Art of Hosting 共同創設者)、Tove Kinooka (Global Perspectives)、伊勢田麻衣子(アート・オブ・ホスティングジャパン)   

関連イベント: 1/20 Art of Hosting Japan Reunion 

                       1/24-26 The Flow Gameホストトレーニング

お問い合わせは Tove Kinooka もしくは Mary Alice Arthur まで。

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AOH Practitioners day at Sony in Tokyo Japan
2:00 PM14:00

AOH Practitioners day at Sony in Tokyo Japan

What would become possible if we continue to practice hosting together?

Practising the art of hosting and harvesting together.

From 14 - 18.00 and it will take place at The Sony City Osaki, Bridge Terminal 24F, NBF Osaki Building, 2-10-1 Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo - *5-minute walk from Osaki Station

See invitation in Japanese here.

You can register here.

For more information in Japanese please contact Maiko Iseda, The art of hosting in Japan

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Practising for Peace - new year dojo at Himmelbjergården
9:00 AM09:00

Practising for Peace - new year dojo at Himmelbjergården

What we practise we will become

Maja Rottbøll and Toke Moeller invite you to practise peace together with us.

There is a dojo - where we can practise peace within - alone & together - to reclaim our inner strength and courage - regardless of what happens in the world.

Hvad nu hvis det ikke kun drejer sig om at løse problemer, men at det også er vigtigt at praktisere og opleve fred med sig selv og to meter omkring sig?

What if it is not so much about solving problems, but that it is also important to practice peace and experience peace within yourself and 2 meters around you?

We will practise peace by Circle, Aikido, bow & arrow and play The Flow Game - a way of finding clarity and inner center regardless of the circumstance - individually and together - guided by Toke and Maja.

The dojo will from - November to March - take place at Himmelbjerggaarden, Himmelbjergvej 11, 8680 Ry - from 9.00 to 16.00.

Join Facebook group Practicing Peace Dojo for Danmark here.

See more about The Practising for Peace dojo here.

If you want to participate - please email Maja - and we will send you more detailed information.

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Practising for Peace at Himmelbjerggaarden by Silkeborg
9:00 AM09:00

Practising for Peace at Himmelbjerggaarden by Silkeborg

What we practise we will become

Maja Rottbøll and Toke Moeller invite you to practise peace together with us.

There is a dojo - where we can practise peace within - alone & together - to reclaim our inner strength and courage - regardless of what happens in the world.

Hvad nu hvis det ikke kun drejer sig om at løse problemer, men at det også er vigtigt at praktisere og opleve fred med sig selv og to meter omkring sig?

What if it is not so much about solving problems, but that it is also important to practice peace and experience peace within yourself and 2 meters around you?

We will practise peace by Circle, Aikido, bow & arrow and play The Flow Game - a way of finding clarity and inner center regardless of the circumstance - individually and together - guided by Toke and Maja.

The dojo will from - November to March - take place at Himmelbjerggaarden, Himmelbjergvej 11, 8680 Ry - from 9.00 to 16.00.

Join Facebook group Practicing Peace Dojo for Danmark here.

See more about The Practising for Peace dojo here.

If you want to participate - please email Maja - and we will send you more detailed information.

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Practising for Peace - late autumn dojo on Dojo Island
9:00 AM09:00

Practising for Peace - late autumn dojo on Dojo Island

What we practise we will become

Maja Rottbøll and Toke Moeller invite you to practise peace together with us.

There is a dojo - where we can practise peace within - alone & together - to reclaim our inner strength and courage - regardless of what happens in the world.

Hvad nu hvis det ikke kun drejer sig om at løse problemer, men at det også er vigtigt at praktisere og opleve fred med sig selv og to meter omkring sig?

What if it is not so much about solving problems, but that it is also important to practice peace and experience peace within yourself and 2 meters around you?

We will practise peace by Circle, Aikido, bow & arrow and play The Flow Game - a way of finding clarity and inner center regardless of the circumstance - individually and together - guided by Toke and Maja.

We meet on Toke’s bridge Stengårdsvej 5a - 8600 Sejs - Silkeborg at 9.00 - sail by motorboat to Dojo Island in Borre Lake - and return there at 16.00.

Join Facebook group Practicing Peace Dojo for Danmark here.

See more about The Practising for Peace dojo here.

If you want to participate - please email Maja - and we will send you more detailed information.

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Invitation to play the Flow Game - Do you have an important question with no answer yet?
9:30 AM09:30

Invitation to play the Flow Game - Do you have an important question with no answer yet?

Do you have an important question with no answer yet?

Here is an invitation to the Community training Flow Games for the Central Jutland Region - in Sejs close to Silkeborg on Sunday, October 20th - 2024, 09:30 - 12:30 

It is part of the upcoming Flow Game host training in Sejs 18 - 20 October that those of you who will be starting the practice of hosting Flow games get to practice during the training.

You are welcome to invite friends, colleagues and family members who would be sincerely interested in exploring their personal question in a Flow Game in this context.

For those who are already Flow Game hosts or know about the Flow Game - you are most welcome to come and play yourself -  and / or pass the invitation on to whom you know would appreciate such an invitation. - Thank you.

Do you have an important personal question to explore? 

If so, we would love you to join us - You find the invitation here & You can register here.

Hope to see you then and there.

Kindly - Mary Alice and Toke

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Onsite Flow Game host training in Sejs, by Silkeborg, Jutland Denmark
to Oct 20

Onsite Flow Game host training in Sejs, by Silkeborg, Jutland Denmark

Mary Alice Arthur and Toke Moeller - are organising and cohosting an onsite Flow Game training in response to several peoples requests to be trained and get a good start in this practise.

It will take place from Friday 18 October 2024 from 9.30 to Sunday 20 October at 16.00.

It wil be a local scout hut - The Sindstou hytten - in the village Sejs, - 1 km from where Toke and Monica live and much of the Flow Game was co created here - close to Silkeborg in Jutland, Denmark. The closest international airport is Billund - 1 hour by car from Sejs.

If you are sincerely interested - or know someone that is - to step into this art and practise of organising and hosting Flow Games - please express your interest to us by email: - - and we will share more information and invite you to the information / preparation calls.

We will have some information and preparation calls and preparation online games

The next info call in on Tuesday 3 September for those sincerely interested in joining the 18-20 October training- 16 - 17.15 CET 

A Preparation Flow Games for those sincerely interested in joining the 18-20 October training - Saturday 7. September - 15.00 - 17.30 CET - Central European time

 - hosted by Mary Alice Arthur & Toke Moeller

We recommend you to attend at least one of these calls & preparation games where we will help clarify any question you may have in order for you to choose if this is a practise for you.

Accomodations for the training - please see more information here.

Kindly Mary Alice & Toke

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Practising for Peace autumn dojo on Dojo Island
9:00 AM09:00

Practising for Peace autumn dojo on Dojo Island

What we practise we will become

Maja Rottbøll and Toke Moeller invite you to practise peace together with us.

There is a dojo - where we can practise peace within - alone & together - to reclaim our inner strength and courage - regardless of what happens in the world.

Hvad nu hvis det ikke kun drejer sig om at løse problemer, men at det også er vigtigt at praktisere og opleve fred med sig selv og to meter omkring sig?

What if it is not so much about solving problems, but that it is also important to practice peace and experience peace within yourself and 2 meters around you?

We will practise peace by Circle, Aikido, bow & arrow and play The Flow Game - a way of finding clarity and inner center regardless of the circumstance - individually and together - guided by Toke and Maja.

We meet on Toke’s bridge Stengårdsvej 5a - 8600 Sejs - Silkeborg at 9.00 - sail by motorboat to Dojo Island in Borre Lake - and return there at 16.00.

Join Facebook group Practicing Peace Dojo for Danmark here.

See more about The Practising for Peace dojo here.

If you want to participate - please email Maja - and we will send you more detailed information.

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Practising for Peace summer dojo on Dojo Island
9:00 AM09:00

Practising for Peace summer dojo on Dojo Island

What we practise we will become

Maja Rottbøll and Toke Moeller invite you to practise peace together with us.

There is a dojo - where we can practise peace within - alone & together - to reclaim our inner strength and courage - regardless of what happens in the world.

Hvad nu hvis det ikke kun drejer sig om at løse problemer, men at det også er vigtigt at praktisere og opleve fred med sig selv og to meter omkring sig?

What if it is not so much about solving problems, but that it is also important to practice peace and experience peace within yourself and 2 meters around you?

We will practise peace by Circle, Aikido, bow & arrow and play The Flow Game - a way of finding clarity and inner center regardless of the circumstance - individually and together - guided by Toke and Maja.

We meet on Toke’s bridge Stengårdsvej 5a - 8600 Sejs - Silkeborg at 9.00 - sail by motorboat to Dojo Island in Borre Lake - and return there at 17.30.

Join Facebook group Practicing Peace Dojo for Danmark here.

See more about The Practising for Peace dojo here.

If you want to participate - please email Maja - and we will send you more detailed information.

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2 Day summer dojo - Practising for Peace
to Jun 30

2 Day summer dojo - Practising for Peace

What we practise we will become

Hi friends, We invite you to come together, show up in the dojo and practice together.

Over the last year we have met almost monthly for a day to practice peace in our selves and two meters around.

For June we want to spend a little more time and immerse ourselves more in nature and the experience of peace - exploring: 

How do we keep coming back to practising peace within

and 2 meters around us, in the midst of the turbulence of the world?

It is an invitation to come together for a two day practice space for practitioners and warriors of peace interested in stepping deeper into the practice.

It is a self organized space -  We will rent canoes and meet at Små fisk in Sejs, close to Silkeborg. We will camp Friday and Saturday in nature and pot luck our food.

It will be possible to practice with bokkens, archery, outdoor cooking, fire making and playing flow game.

Simplicity, depth and trust in our ability to self organise will guide our space.

We will each bring something to share for eating, our practices and stories and make this a magical time.

Please register below so we know who is coming so we can also book the canoes.

If you have any questions, just drop me a line.

  • Dates: We meet Friday 28th June15.00 at Små Fisk and aim to be back around 16.00 on Sunday 30th June

  • Logistics: The plan is to rent canoes and make our way to dojo island. I will coordinate the canoe rental. Other than that, bring what you need for our time in nature.

Looking forward to practice together!

In the practice,

Rowan, Phil and Toke and Maja at our backs.

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The Art of Hosting & harvesting training in Karlskrona 2024
to Jun 15

The Art of Hosting & harvesting training in Karlskrona 2024

  • Google Calendar ICS

How can the practise of the Art of Hosting support us 
​in creating thriving futures for all?

How can stepping into the "Art of Hosting" practice transform me

and my ability to lead?

​How can we weave our individual purposes and work into a collective

life-affirming direction?​

The 13th Art of Hosting and Harvesting Conversations that Matter training in Multisalen - Blekinge Technical Highschool, Karlskrona, Sweden from 11th - 15th June, 2024.

See website with more information here

Who is this year’s team

REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN - Sign up and get your ticket with the following link:

This is an annual training, called for and organized by MSLS students - Master or Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability, and co hosted by a group of seasoned Art of hosting stewards and practitioners - in order to learn simple yet powerful practices that build community, activate collective intelligence and foster individual and collaborative leadership in complexity.

If you aspire to step into the art and practise of creating the conditions for conversations and work that matter to support personal, organisational and communal courage and transformation, or you are simply passionate about participatory leadership, you are warmly welcomed at the training.

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Practising for Peace  dojo on Dojo Island  - for teenagers and their parents
to Jun 1

Practising for Peace dojo on Dojo Island - for teenagers and their parents

What we practise we will become

There is a dojo - where we can practise peace within - alone & together - to reclaim our inner strength and courage - regardless of what happens in the world.

Hvad nu hvis det ikke kun drejer sig om at løse problemer, men at det også er vigtigt at praktisere og opleve fred med sig selv og to meter omkring sig?

What if it is not so much about solving problems, but that it is also important to practice peace and experience peace within yourself and 2 meters around you?

We will practise peace by Circle, Aikido, shooting with bow & arrow to practise staying focussed individually and together - guided by Toke and Maja.

See more about The Practising for Peace dojo here.

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Practising for Peace full Spring dojo on Dojo Island
9:00 AM09:00

Practising for Peace full Spring dojo on Dojo Island

What we practise we will become

Maja Rottbøll, Rowan Simonsen and Toke Moeller invite you to practise peace together with us.

There is a dojo - where we can practise peace within - alone & together - to reclaim our inner strength and courage - regardless of what happens in the world.

Hvad nu hvis det ikke kun drejer sig om at løse problemer, men at det også er vigtigt at praktisere og opleve fred med sig selv og to meter omkring sig?

What if it is not so much about solving problems, but that it is also important to practice peace and experience peace within yourself and 2 meters around you?

We will practise peace by Circle, Aikido, bow & arrow and play The Flow Game - a way of finding clarity and inner center regardless of the circumstance - individually and together - guided by Rowan, Toke and Maja.

We meet on Toke’s bridge Stengårdsvej 5a - 8600 Sejs - Silkeborg at 9.00 - sail by motorboat to Dojo Island in Borre Lake - and return there at 17.30.

Join Facebook group Practicing Peace Dojo for Danmark here.

See more about The Practising for Peace dojo here.

If you want to participate - please register HERE or email Maja - or Rowan - and we will send you more detailed information.

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Practising for Peace Spring dojo on Dojo Island
9:00 AM09:00

Practising for Peace Spring dojo on Dojo Island

What we practise we will become

Maja Rottbøll, Rowan Simonsen and Toke Moeller invite you to practise peace together with us.

There is a dojo - where we can practise peace within - alone & together - to reclaim our inner strength and courage - regardless of what happens in the world.

Hvad nu hvis det ikke kun drejer sig om at løse problemer, men at det også er vigtigt at praktisere og opleve fred med sig selv og to meter omkring sig?

What if it is not so much about solving problems, but that it is also important to practice peace and experience peace within yourself and 2 meters around you?

We will practise peace by Circle, Aikido, bow & arrow and play The Flow Game - a way of finding clarity and inner center regardless of the circumstance - individually and together - guided by Rowan, Toke and Maja.

We meet on Toke’s bridge Stengårdsvej 5a - 8600 Sejs - Silkeborg at 9.00 - sail by motorboat to Dojo Island in Borre Lake - and return there at 17.30.

Join Facebook group Practicing Peace Dojo for Danmark here.

See more about The Practising for Peace dojo here.

If you want to participate - please register HERE or email Maja - or Rowan - and we will send you more detailed information.

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Practising for peace dojo on Dojo Island
9:00 AM09:00

Practising for peace dojo on Dojo Island

Maja Rottbøll, Rowan Simonsen and Toke Moeller invite you to practise peace together with us. It will be on Dojo Island - Dojo Island in Borre Lake by Sejs.

We meet at Toke’s place Stengaardsvej 5a i Sejs 8600 Silkeborg - at 8.45 - hvis vejret er for vinteragtigt, så bliver det flyttet til Eagleroad Kursuscenter, Krogdalsvej 10, 8660 Skanderborg

There is a dojo - where we can practise peace within - alone & together - to reclaim our inner strength and courage - regardless of what happens in the world.

Hvad nu hvis det ikke kun drejer sig om at løse problemer, men at det også er vigtigt at praktisere og opleve fred med sig selv og to meter omkring sig?

What if it is not so much about solving problems, but that it is also important to practice peace and experience peace within yourself and 2 meters around you?

We will practise peace by Circle, Aikido, bow & arrow and play The Flow Game - a way of finding clarity and inner center regardless of the circumstance - individually and together - guided by Toke and Maja.

Join Facebook group Practicing Peace Dojo for Danmark here.

See more about The Practising for Peace dojo here.

If you want to participate - please email Maja - or Toke -

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9:30 AM09:30


What if the simple act of asking a question could change your life?

Do you have an important personal question to explore? If so, we would love you to join us for a Community Flow Game, near Silkeborg, on March 10, 2024.

From 8-10 March, a group of courageous humans is being trained in the art and practice of organising and hosting Flow Games. We invite you to join us on the final day of our 3 day training to experience the Flow Game for yourself.

By participating, you will have the chance to explore a question that has meaning to you in your life or work right now, in a collective Community Flow Game. The hosts of the games will be newly trained hosts, guided by experienced Flow Game hosts.

The Flow Game is a unique opportunity to give and receive wisdom on questions that are important to us. Its purpose is to ground, strengthen and bring clarity to your flow of life, your leadership and actions. The game is played in a supportive and fun environment that allows for diving deeper into a topic that you may find difficult to reflect upon by yourself.

___________________________________________________________________ The Flow Game was co-created in 1998 by eight people in Denmark - amongst them Toke Moeller and Monica Nissen. The Flow Game is played all around the world, offered by around 400 Flow Game hosts in 30 countries. Learn more about the Flow Game at


Location: Sindstou-Hytten in Sejs - 5 km from Silkeborg

Sindbjerg Mosevej 16, 8600 Silkeborg

Time: Sunday, 10 March, 2024. 9.30am - 12:30pm

Registration: To register and participate, complete this form before Thursday 7th March:

Preparation: If you want to participate, we ask that you bring a clear intention or question to the Flow Game. During the game, we’ll jointly reflect and share knowledge related to your question or intention. We will play multiple games in parallel, each in small groups of 5–7. If you come as a group you will have the choice to play together in the same game or in separate games.

Cost: There is no fee for joining. Your participation is a contribution in and of itself. For more information: Write to James Ede:

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FULLY BOOKED - Onsite Flow Game training
to Mar 10

FULLY BOOKED - Onsite Flow Game training

Mary Alice Arthur, James Ede and Toke - are organising and cohosting an onsite Flow Game training in response to several peoples requests to be trained and get a good start in this practise.

It will take place from Friday 8 March 2024 at 9.30 to Sunday 10 March at 16.00.

It wil be a local scout hut - The Sindstou hytten - in my village Sejs, - 1 km from where I live and much of the Flow Game was co created here - close to Silkeborg in Jutland, Denmark. The closest international airport is Billund - 1 hour by car from Sejs.

If you are sincerely interested - or know someone that is - to step into this art and practise of organising and hosting Flow Games - please express your interest to us by email: - - and we will share more information and invite you to the information / preparation calls.

We will have some information and preparation calls and preparation online games on Toke’s zoom:

Sunday 26 November - 16 - 17.15 CET 

Tuesday 16 January - 16 - 17.15 CET 

There will be 3 Preparation Flow Games for those sincerely interested in joining the 8-10 March training

Tuesday 7 November - 18.30 - 21.00 CET - hosted by Mary Alice Arthur & Toke Moeller

Sunday 12 November - 15.00 - 17.30 CET - hosted by Mary Alice Arthur & Toke Moeller

Sunday 4 February 2024 - 15.00 - 17.30 CET - hosted by Mary Alice Arthur & Toke

We recommend you to attend at least one of these calls & preparation games where we will help clarify any question you may have in order for you to choose if this is a practise for you.

Accomodations for the training - please see more information here.

Kindly Mary Alice & Toke

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Practising for Peace Vinter dojo vinter 2  på Eagle Road retreat center.
9:00 AM09:00

Practising for Peace Vinter dojo vinter 2 på Eagle Road retreat center.

En blanding af aikido, flowspil

Hvad nu hvis det ikke kun drejer sig om at løse problemer, men at det også er vigtigt at praktisere og opleve fred med sig selv og to meter omkring sig?

Disse tider kalder på fred mere end noget andet. Og fred starter indeni. Så hvis du føler dig kaldet, så stiller vi en dojo – et rum til rådighed, hvor du kan komme og praktisere fred sammen med os og andre, der føler samme kald.
Efter at have afholdt to dojos i august og september blev vi klare over at der er et potentiale i at mødes på denne måde, og vi har derfor besluttet os for at afholde dem med 1-2 måneders mellemrum.

Dagens flow:
Hver dojo er fra kl 9-16
• Check-ind
• Træning
• Frokost
• Træning
• Check-ud

Hvor foregår det?
Eagleroad Kursuscenter, Krogdalsvej 10, 8660 Skanderborg

Det du skal medbringe:
• En ret til en sammenskudsfrokost
• 100 kr i kontanter, som dækker te, kaffe og lokaler

Hilsen Rowan Simonsen, Toke Møller og Maja Rottbøll

Læs mere om Practicing for Peace her:
Læs mere om Flow spillet her:
Tokes blog:

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How may my personal practices enhance my leadership  for a more peaceful and sustainable world?
9:00 AM09:00

How may my personal practices enhance my leadership for a more peaceful and sustainable world?

What we practise we will become.

Learning by practice and experience in the way of the “dojo” - meaning a place where we practise our life practices.

The purpose is to learn through practicing - beginning to practice to host ourselves to host others.

We will explore how our personal practice may support us in enhancing our leadership capacity and our capacity to collaborate with others. In other words, how do we host ourself in order to become better hosts for others?

To explore this topic, we have invited Toke Moeller to the Learning Lab. Toke is the co-founder of the Art of Hosting, The Flow Game, Practising for peace dojo - and has been pioneering in the fields of sustainable entrepreneurship, participatory leadership, educational renewal, and social responsibility since the early 1970s. He is also co-founder and CEO of InterChange, a for more than profit training and process consulting company based in Denmark. He is working across the world in all kinds of contexts where ever leaders are sincerely calling for help with their transformations.

The session with Toke will include some movement so please make sure to wear comfortable clothes. And please read the instructions for the deliverable for this week closely since it is slightly different than what you're used to. 


At the end of this module, we hope you have achieved the following:

·  Gained new insights on your own personal practices.

·  Explored how bodily movements can help you focus and see new perspectives. 

·  Deepened your understanding of how a personal practice can support you in your leadership journey by interviewing someone you admire.

· Explored additional Practices, theories and concepts related to participatory leadership.

- Cheers James and the LIC Team

The quality of an intervention depends on the interior condition of the intervener.

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FULLY BOOKED - The Art & Practise of questions that matter
to Jan 21

FULLY BOOKED - The Art & Practise of questions that matter

How may I grow my practice in the art of crafting, sharpening and offering

questions that may serve the communities I care about?

Entering the Art & Practice of crafting & offering powerful questions.

The Training is open for everyone. The only requirements to participate is a sincere interest in practising the Art of questions in service your own life and the communities your care about.

You can buy you ticket here.

Refund Policy - Please inform us as soon as possible if you are unable to attend the training for any reason. If you wish to transfer your ticket to another person, you can do so by contacting us latest one day before the training starts (19.01.23).

Email: - If you need to cancel your participation, do so as soon as possible. You can get a refund of 90% of your ticket until 10th January. 

After that, we cannot refund your ticket.

Please also register here.

The event will be held in English Language.

It will take place at Atelier Gardens in Berlin 20 - 21 January 2024 - from 9.30 to 17.00

Questions are powerful tools, and crafting and offering them is an art and a practice.

They hold a power in the way they invite us playfully to take courageous steps into the unknown to explore what matters now. A territory where - our individual and collective - potential can unfold, and the magic of learning happen.

How may asking kinder questions for clarity, be a practice of peace?

How do I / we co create the conditions to offer questions that matter to a group with respect, focus and attention?

What is a question that you long to ask yourself and your community ?

Hosted by Toke Paludan Moeller, - and organised and co hosted by Jasmin Sepahzad and Pauline Wenzel - we will venture together into the practise of the art of crafting and offering meaningful and powerful questions, which are sensitive to different contexts and relevant to an array of methodologies e.g. Circle, World Café, Open Space Technology, Appreciative Inquiry, The Flow Game.

Over these 2 weekend days in January 2024, we will work with generic and our own questions, that call ourselves and our communities into presence, exploration, conversation and wiser action.

With the help of the Flow Game - we will invite you to seek clarity on a question that is important for you in your life and work.

Come and join us for a joint deep-dive into the art and practise of meaningful questions.

For more information watch the Information Call on Nov. 16th here.

With curiosity and respect,

Toke, Pauline and Jasmin

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KUFUNDA LEARNING FESTIVAL - 21st Birthday Celebration
to Dec 10

KUFUNDA LEARNING FESTIVAL - 21st Birthday Celebration

Join us as we celebrate and honour Kufunda’s 21 years on this earth.

Invitation to Kufunda 21 - Birthday Festival 2023 - download here.

Join us for a Learning Festival and Celebration of the work of Kufunda and many other inspiring initiatives on the African Continent - as we celebrate Kufunda’s 21 years on this Earth.

Read the harvest from the Re-gathering of the tribes in Denmark in June 2023 - Returning to some of our roots at 21 years of age.

This Birthday Festival is an intergenerational festival to experience and practice the founding impulse and essence of Kufunda Learning Village, whilst we listen for the whispers of the future.

Join us to be hosted by the Land and the Spirit of Kufunda.

Together, we will be in the collective question of

What does it take to “Live the Future Now”?

It is our experience that when we gather as a community in gratitude and celebration of all that is - light and dark - the future enters us as inspiration.

This is a Festival!

This means that there is space for all of our expressions and explorations: Music, Singing what can’t yet be spoken; Dance as expression of our Souls; Arts, Compost making, Nature observation, Systemic constellations; Time in nature, and more. These are all part of a tapestry, weaving a golden thread of our celebration and our calling to the path ahead.

Be prepared to be surprised, and inspired and to co-create the magic at the centre of the Learning Village. Read the latest newsletter here:

We now have our registration page open. To register please fill in this form here.

Feel free to ask questions: WhatsApp: +263 77 987 4301

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What may inspire me to practise peace each day?
9:00 AM09:00

What may inspire me to practise peace each day?

On the 24 - Maja Rottbøll, Rowan Simonsen & Toke Moeller offers a day of practising peace in the here and now on Dojo Island in Borre lake by Sejs – with practising for peace Aikido and finding clarity by Flow Gaming. We will meet at Toke & Monica’s place - Stengaardsvej 5a 8600, Sejs, by Silkeborg. Find it here.

Bring yourself with open heart and no expectations, your sincere longing for peace, your question, something to share for the lunch buffet and 50 DKK for our collective expenses.

You can sign up for the game here: - Welcome

See more here:

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The 2 Art of hosting training for Northern Ireland, Ireland and beyond
to Jul 9

The 2 Art of hosting training for Northern Ireland, Ireland and beyond

An invitation to explore & practice the art of participatory leadership.

The cracks. It seems that wherever we look, old systems and power structures are shaking as our communities and cultures seek to make sense of and navigate multiple, interconnected systemic dynamics tugging and re-weaving the fabric of our societies - spiralling costs of living, emerging exponential technologies reshaping our world, education and culture, and an accelerating climate and biodiversity crisis arising from humanity pushing far beyond our ecological limits to name a few.

The need. Many of us individually experience such dynamics impacting our lives, institutions and cultures, but there is often a lack of space and time available to collaborate to address them. We believe people are looking for such spaces of collaboration and that meeting this need requires people across society who have the skills and capacities to invite, host and harvest conversations at the emerging edge of culture today - from the kitchen table to the water cooler to the board room to the centre of our democracies.

The invitation. This training is an invitation to explore, learn and practice ways and methods to grow our capacity and courage to invite, host and harvest the conversations that matter at the emerging edge of our culture today?

The Art of Participatory Leadership is a 3.5-day residential training designed for participants to learn simple yet powerful leadership practices that build community, activate collective intelligence and foster collaboration across teams, institutions and partnerships.
​The aims of the training are to:

  • Explorelearn and practice participatory facilitation concepts, methods and practices that can be applied in our work and communities to invite, host and harvest conversations that matter.

  • Build individual and organisational capacity for participatory leadership across all levels of society within Northern Ireland and beyond.

  • Foster a community of practice that may continue to support each other in learning and work moving forward.

Where: Corrymeela, Ballycastle, Northern Ireland

Corrymeela is a world renowned organization and community dedicated to building peaceful and sustainable societies based on social justice, positive relationships and respect for diversity.
Corrymeela's residential centre, just outside Ballycastle, seeks to be an open village where encounter, truth telling and hospitality are expressed as we contemplate and live out what it means to embrace difference, heal divisions and enable reconciliation. We are intentional about creating spaces to hear and share the difficult stories and conversations necessary on our way to the freedom of a shared future. 
Corrymeela is honoured to welcome you.

If you are hungry for something like this please find more information, inspiration & a link to register here.

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Flow Game Host Gathering 2023
8:30 AM08:30

Flow Game Host Gathering 2023

How do we together host space(s) for the Flow Game to do its work for the world? 

An opportunity for Flow Game Hosts to meet, connect & deepen their practice together.

We invite you to an online gathering for Flow Hosts on Saturday, July 1. 

We are planning a simple flow that includes time to meet others, ask questions, hear from the Flow Game Hub and be inspired by practitioner stories. 

All trained Flow Hosts are warmly invited to join us!

The same 3 hour program will be offered twice – once to suit Europe/North America and once to suit Asia/Pacific based hosts - so that everyone in the world can attend.

This is a FREE event, but you can see more information and must register to receive the Zoom links and supporting emails.

The calling and hosting team are Mary Alice Arthur, Toke Moeller, Rowan Simonsen, Mel Gletch, Sophie Charrois and Arvind Shivakumar.

We welcome you to come practise and learn with us.

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Art of Hosting Karlskrona 2023
to Jun 22

Art of Hosting Karlskrona 2023

  • Google Calendar ICS

How can the practise of the Art of Hosting support us 
​in creating thriving futures for all?

The 12th Art of Hosting and Harvesting Conversations that Matter training in Karlskrona, Sweden is going to happen from 19th - 22th June, 2023.

This is an annual training, called for and organized by MSLS students - Master or Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability, and co hosted by a group of seasoned Art of hosting stewards and practitioners - in order to learn simple yet powerful practices that build community, activate collective intelligence and foster individual and collaborative leadership in complexity.

If you aspire to step into the art and practise of creating the conditions for conversations and work that matter to support personal, organisational and communal courage and transformation, or you are simply passionate about participatory leadership, you are warmly welcomed at the training.

More information here.

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