Toke Paludan Moeller
What if the business of business is peace?
The art of hosting as a practice of Peace.
- Podcast Stephen Hinton - from Investors in peace - interviews Toke Moeller.
“ We need peaceful warriorship for ourselves and our world now” - Toke Paludan Moeller on learning and practising for peace. - A Pod cast conversation with Traci Ruble, initiator of Sidewalk Talk : A Community Listening Project.
Toke has been pioneering the fields of sustainable entrepreneurship, the art of hosting conversations and work that matters, participatory leadership, educational renewal, and social responsibility since the early 1970s.
Toke one of the the co-founder of The Art of Hosting, The Flow Game, and The Practicing for Peace dojo – all in service of a kinder, more humane leadership and citizenship for the future of people, nature and planet.
He has served as the chair of Danish Entrepreneurs Association and worked as a long-time international professional conference organiser and process host.
He is co-founder, with Monica Nissén, of InterChange- a for-more-than-profit training and process consulting company based in Denmark.
Toke and Monica have worked with the educational systems, international NGOs, governmental institutions, private companies, health care institutions, villages and first nations and international networks in all the continents.
For years he has supported younger as well as more seasoned leaders from their personal leadership to hosting organisational transformations.
Between 1997 - 2022 Toke has been part of initiating and supporting the Art of hosting & Participatory Leadership practices into 32 countries around the globe - as well in the European Commission / ministries and institutions, several universities in Denmark, Sweden, Canada, Colombia, Scotland, USA, Switzerland, Tasmania and Australia.
Toke strives to inspire himself and others to practice personal peace as a basis to practise peaceful coexistence and wellbeing for All - regardless of circumstance.
Practising peace aikido style… European Forum Alpbach
Moving from my heart
I enter the unknown
finding Life each day...
As the scale grows organically
the hobbit in me responds as I can best
almost as a reluctant warrior for peace
but what have I got to loose
by giving of myself
Letting go completely
to the subtle harmony