Aikido dance - getting out of the line of attack to invite kindly for practicing peace instead - Toke and Jutta Weimar at the Art of Questions workshop 20 - 21 in Berlin January 2024 -

What may be some essences of practicing personal peace?

Podcast conversation with Tenneson Wolf & Toke Moeller: Enjoy a listen. Toke Paludan Møller and I explore The Art and the Heart of Practicing Peace.

Such a delight! Toke brings it all. The art. The heart. The personal. The professional. The joy. The discipline. The story. The learning. I loved our conversation. I loved the long pauses when I could see Toke thinking. I loved his joy, and mine, to be in such learning and clarity today. As we've done so much over 25 years. - Tenneson.


What if the European Union really - in its essence

- is an ongoing practising for peaceful co existence project?

While many people reflect on the impact of the European Union as a economic powerhouse, trading block or political alliance, at its heart, the Union is a peace story. It was the brainchild of a group of young people who recognised that common purpose and co-working could bring previously warring neighbours together to become more than they could be alone.  The European Union experiment as a peace practise story - Toke Paludan Møller version - at the Fireside at Mary Alice's Story Dojo 11.14.22. See the story and conversation here.

What if the business of business is peace?

The art of hosting as a practice of Peace.

- Podcast Stephen Hinton - from Investors in peace - interviews Toke Moeller.

"What if it not about just solving problems

but as much about practising clarity and peace?


We need peaceful warriorship for ourselves and our world now” - Toke Paludan Moeller on learning and practising for peace.

- A Pod cast conversation with Traci Ruble initiator of Sidewalk Talk : A Community Listening Project.


Why did you initiate the Practising for peace dojo?

What is the purposes of the Practising for Peace dojo?

See the Practising for peace website here.

What is the Practising for Peace Dojo?

We train in practices that develop and build abilities for wiser decisions and skilful heartfelt actions. We can’t solve what has already happened, but we can start today by practising peace consciously, individually and together. Peace could be more than just a topic. It can become a practice. Something that we respect, not just talk about.

We can go beyond the idea that a dojo needs to be a physical place, and consider that a Practising for peace Dojo first and foremost resides in our hearts, and that practise can happen wherever humans gather with a attitude and will to awaken the Warrior of the Heart within.

How may we use our consciousness, our intelligence, our courage, our will, our kindness, our compassion, and our ability to be clear-headed, to begin to practice peace?

We can joyfully give birth to more compassionate warriorship to be helpful in building a more peaceful world. Wherever practitioners show up and are ready to learn and teach both, there the dojo arises.

We explore……

DISCOVERING MY PERSONAL POWER - To become aware of and accept my power and how I extend it in service of what is needed in the world 

PRACTICE AS PATH - Discover the power of personal practice

PRACTISING PEACE - Working creatively with opposing energies and challenges to harmonize our relationships with others


  • We bring together the principles and practices of Aikido, a peaceful Japanese self defense art, as a stimulus for moving in harmony and be in reflection and work with The Flow Game to seed personal clarity and wiser action.

  • This approach and practise balances action and reflection through embodiment and inquiry.


·     Basic Aikido Practice - The word "aikido" is formed of three kanji:

  • ai – joining, unifying, combining, harmonising

  • ki – spirit, energy, mood, ethics

  • – way, path

·     The Flow Game - A way of finding clarity together

·     Circle Practice

·     Caligraphy - making your mark

·     Being in Nature

·     Reflection on practice

Explore the heart in the Dojo within the dojo here.