To be with
To be with that
That cannot be spoken
But only felt
Is like feeling
The Oneness
Of it All.
What a sweet open secret
Spiralling flow
As we spiral in
Returning to the Heart
What matters
Graceful kindness
Begins to flow
In all directions
Heaven's secret is motherly love.
Everyone under heaven
says that my Tao
is great, but inconceivable.
It is its very greatness that makes it inconceivable!
If it could be conceived of,
how small it would be!
I have three treasures to hold and protect:
The first is motherly love.
The second is economy.
The third is daring not
to be first in the world.
With motherly love one can be courageous.
With economy one can be expansive.
With humility one can lead.
To be courageous
without motherly love, to
be expansive without practicing economy,
to go to the front without humility
- this is courting death.
Venture with love
and you win the battle.
Defend with love and you are invulnerable.
Heaven's secret is
Motherly love.
Wisdom from The Tao Te Ching 2600 years ago - by Lao Tzu some where in China
Now is the Future
As time and space
Dances in the rhythm
the Heart
The Now
reveals itself
To be the forever
Most real
Possible future
Wishing you all a peaceful 2024
- in the midst of it all.
With love for Life in All
Monica & Toke
Peace today
Peace is
- peace is important
- peace for me is
my responsibility.
For peace tomorrow
I practise peace
Today is global peace day.
A bow of gratitude for
the everlasting gift of
the experience of peace within
From there arises
peace in action.
Letting go
Oh - to let go
Of all my
Rights & wrongs
All the noise
To entrust all that
To what forever changes
To rest in the rhythm
Of breath
To drink of the oneness
A wee bit more
Each moment
Each day
Sejs 20 August 2023
It is time
For me now
To listen louder
To the wisdom
That flows
In the Now
To more moments
Of my life time
As its ending
Comes closer with every breath
To my heart within
For its drumbeat
Of endless Gratitude
For Life
For friends
For family
For teachers
For those who were
For me still being here
For All
That is.
At the lake - Sejs - 14 August 2023
Walk more
Talk less
Listen louder
Placing my attention
Is an inner power
Filled with promise
This and that
No wonder
In the breath
Life at its best
From within
Living from within
Everything beautiful
beyond thought….
What a sweet
Learning to live from within
from within
Magic seems
To be
build in.
4 Febuary - Munnar, India
Entering the New year 2023
In this perfect storm
at this time in our story
as a race of humans striving to be
- most of us long for kindness, peace and sanity
- as is only natural.
Time to water that longing and trust that in the long run
we will learn and choose to live better and more lovingly together.
Wishing you all an even more awake life each day.
- with love and appreciation for our friendships with you
- Monica and Toke
The Art of Now
Learning how to flow home into
The simple Oneness of Life itself
Is an ancient Art
Yet it is always
Ever possible in
The Here and Now
What if this is
The medicine for how
to know myself
To cocreate with
serve others and the Whole
In peaceful coexistence
To practise
Wellbeing for
What a day
Oh what a day
In the dojo
Of nowness
What a long moment
Of being with
The breath
In peaceful
And gentle
Well being
For All.
In the midst
In the midst
Of each moment
Lies the possibility
Of peace.
What a gift
What a knowing
To be trusted.
On my breath
I get to drink
From that cup.
A deep bow
To the gracious
Of such a gift.
Focussing gently
on Life flowing
The experience
Misty morning
The great game
The smaller play
The dance called living
War and peace
Fear and courage
Hate and love
Needs to be
Understood and respected for what
They each are.
to be made
To be practised
to be felt
to be one with Life
To arise
The more - the sooner
The better.
On a misty morning
so much confusion,
so much doubting
so much doing without knowing
so much useless death
To now remember
Who I really am
What my nature truly is
Why I came
I know in my gut that
The Time has come
The Work is here
as One flow
No seperation needed
It can not be beaten
Because it is made of joy
It is forged in the reality of love
It is held in the consciousness of
the all connectedness.
I bow in quiet respect
to this
Sweet peaceful kindness
that hosts
- Ishøj 2 September 2015
2022 - Time to Breathe
Time to breathe
Finding the still point
In the middle
All things moving.
May we all breathe well
Every day
Regardless of the
New Year’s Greetings
Monica and Toke