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Invitation to play the Flow Game - Do you have an important question with no answer yet?

Do you have an important question with no answer yet?

Here is an invitation to the Community training Flow Games for the Central Jutland Region - in Sejs close to Silkeborg on Sunday, October 20th - 2024, 09:30 - 12:30 

It is part of the upcoming Flow Game host training in Sejs 18 - 20 October that those of you who will be starting the practice of hosting Flow games get to practice during the training.

You are welcome to invite friends, colleagues and family members who would be sincerely interested in exploring their personal question in a Flow Game in this context.

For those who are already Flow Game hosts or know about the Flow Game - you are most welcome to come and play yourself -  and / or pass the invitation on to whom you know would appreciate such an invitation. - Thank you.

Do you have an important personal question to explore? 

If so, we would love you to join us - You find the invitation here & You can register here.

Hope to see you then and there.

Kindly - Mary Alice and Toke