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The Art & Practise of powerful questions - workshop in Tokyo

How may I grow my practice in the art of crafting, sharpening and offering questions to serve the people, organizations and communities I care about?

  • entering the Art & Practice of crafting & offering powerful questions - including playing The Flow Game

The Art of Powerful Questions comes to Japan!

You can register here with The Danish Chamber of Commerse. - See Japanese translation below

Everyone who is interested in the leadership skill of craftinmg and asking powerful questions or supporting groups, teams and organisations to be more focused and intentional is welcome to join us.

The art of powerful questions is a foundational skill for working in a more participatory way and supporting groups with a wide variety of experience, interests and mindsets to find common ground together.

Join The Art of Powerful Questions workshop in Tokyo - Tuesday on January 21, 2025
10:30 AM 5:30 PM at Sony City Osaki, Bridge Terminal 24F, NBF Osaki Building, 2-10-1 Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo - *5-minute walk from Osaki Station 

Co-hosted by Mary Alice Arthur, SOAR & Toke Paludan Moeller, Ceo of Interchange & co-founder of Art of Hosting and in partnership with Tove Kinooka, Global Perspectives & Maiko Iseda, The Art of Hosting in Japan.

Preceded by an Art of Hosting Practice Gathering on January 20th. - followed by a Flow Game Host training 24 - 26 January.

More information and registration link available soon - until then please contact Tove Kinooka and Mary Alice Arthur.

Welcome Mary Alice, Tove, Maiko & Toke


とその実践 東京ワークショップ

2025121日(火) 10:30-17:30


「力強い問い」を立て、投げかける実践へのお誘い(The Flow Gameのプレー付き)




アート・オブ・パワフルクエスチョンズ 東京ワークショップ

日時: 2025年1月21日(火) 10:30-17:30

場所: 東京都品川区大崎2-10-1

NBF大崎ビル(旧ソニーシティ大崎)24F ブリッジターミナル


ホスト: Mary Alice Arthur (SOAR)、Toke Paludan Moeller (Interchange CEO, Art of Hosting 共同創設者)、Tove Kinooka (Global Perspectives)、伊勢田麻衣子(アート・オブ・ホスティングジャパン)   

関連イベント: 1/20 Art of Hosting Japan Reunion 

                       1/24-26 The Flow Gameホストトレーニング

お問い合わせは Tove Kinooka もしくは Mary Alice Arthur まで。