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CANCELLED due to Coronavirus - Practising for peace dojo - European Forum Alpbach 2020

The Practising for Peace - a dojo for warriors of the heart 

The purpose of this dojo seminar is to learn to consciously practice peace with yourself, with others and in service of people and planet – regardless of circumstance.

Impressions from the Practising for peace Dojo at European Forum Alpbach August 2019.

What is a Warrior of the Heart? - Our understanding of a warrior has nothing to do with violence and fighting others, though active involvement may be part of it. Nor does it involve any kind of aggression though strong actions may be required. It does refer to someone willing to learn to take skillful dynamic actions in the service of others and what is needed at this time in the world.

We honor the traditional principles and practices of peaceful warriorship, such as sincerity, honesty, nowness, courage, wisdom, personal responsibility, and kindness. When we use the term “Heart” we are referring to the compassion and empathy that always lives in our center.

We train in practices that develop and build abilities for knowing ourselves, being present, making wiser decisions and taking skilful heartfelt actions. We can’t solve what has already happened, but we can start today by practising peace consciously, individually and together. Peace can be more than just a topic. It can become a practice. Something that we respect and slowly by practice become, not just talk about.

We will explore……

DISCOVERING MY PERSONAL POWER - To become aware of and accept my power and how I extend it in service of what is needed in the world

PRACTICE AS PATH - Discover the power of personal practice as a way of being human

PRACTISING PEACE - Working creatively with opposing energies and challenges to harmonize our relationships with others


We bring together the principles and practices of Aikido, a peaceful Japanese self-defense art, as a stimulus for moving in harmony and be in reflection and work with The Flow Game to seed personal clarity and wiser action.

This approach and practise balances action and reflection through movement and inquiry.


Basic Aikido peace practice

The Flow Game - A way of finding clarity together

Circle practise

Calligraphy - making your mark here and now

Being in Nature

 Reflecting and harvesting on the practice and learnings

What is Dojo? - In Japanese, Dojo means ‘place of the way’. It is traditionally considered to be the place to practise two activities: a training ground for learning the specific techniques of an art (martial, meditation, flower arranging, music, etc.) - and an arena for individual self knowledge and personal growth.

A Dojo is about aligning personal power and purpose with the work we want and need to be doing for the world. If you are seeking to develop your leadership skills in service of others and of a more sustainable world, this seminar  provides you with an opportunity to refuel, strengthen clarity and heart, and thus offer more conscious and bold actions for your community and our world.

See relevant links here:

Practising for Peace:

What is a warrior of the heart:

Interchange ToMo:

The Flow game:

Circle pratise:  

BIOS of the dojo Team

Zulma Patarroyo - Zulma is a consultant and a facilitator of participatory processes that brings to her projects the best of her training and experience in the areas of creative facilitation, pedagogics and design. Zulma holds an MSc in Strategic Leadership for Sustainability from the Blekinge Institute of Technology, a MA in Multimedia from London College of Communications, a postgraduate certificate in education from London University, a BA in graphic design from the National University of Colombia and is trained as a creative facilitator and consultant from the Danish social entrepreneurship school kaospilot.

Zulma is a mother of 2 daughters, practises Aikido on an ongoing basis in Colombia where she lives. She has been part of several dojo teams in Colombia and Denmark.

See more about Zulma and PATALETA:

Phil Marken - Phil is an innovator, inventor, Art of Hosting practitioner & committed practitioner of gathering well. He works in UK, Ireland & Europe, hosting & crafting learning spaces & meetings for public & third sectors, activists & community champions, bringing 15 years passion for social business, youth leadership, the arts & climate action.

Phil has been part of  several  practising peace dojos in context where societal peace is very needed including the first one in Forum Alpbach 2018, in Scotland 2017 and in Derry, Northern Ireland.

See more about Phil  and Open Source here:

Monica Nissen - Monica Nissén is the Co-founder of InterChange and The Art of hosting practise. She started her professional life with a Masters degree in architecture but found very early on, that designing processes, was just as interesting as designing buildings.

For the past 25 years she has worked as a process consultant.

“Since Toke Møller and I co-founded InterChange in 1991, we have worked with dialogue based, participatory processes, engaging large groups of people in co-creating solutions, strategies or the futures they want. In working with larger groups, my special interest has been 'Learning Ecology' / the Art of harvesting — that is, to harvest the results of these conversations, so that the collective wisdom and insights can be captured and put to good use.

See more about Monica, the Art of Hosting and Interchange here: and Monica.

 Toke Paludan Moeller - Toke  is the Co-founder, InterChange, The Art of Hosting practise, The flow Game and The Practising for peace dojo and has been pioneering in the fields of sustainable entrepreneurship, participatory leadership, educational renewal, social responsibility and practising peace since the early 1970s.

Toke has with his partners been experimenting with organizing, designing and hosting learning and self-organizing processes, deep dialogues, large-scale conferences and numerous strategic conversations in all types of communities and organizations.

He is a practitioner  the Art of Self Knowledge Meditation, Aikido Warrior of the Heart style, the Flow Game, the Art of Hosting and walking in nature.

See more about Toke and his work here: and Toke